『Art Fair Beppu 2023』学生のための無料招待券【先着100名】2023.09.08

『Art Fair Beppu 2023』
学生のための無料招待券 / Free Tickets For Students 【先着100名】
English follows Japanese.
9月23〜25日に大分県別府市で『Art Fair Beppu 2023』を開催します。これは、県内外から気鋭のアーティストが集まり、作品を展示・販売する、新しいアートフェアです。
その思いにご賛同いただいた個人の提供により、このたび、大分県内の高校・大学に通学する方 (先着100名) を対象に無料招待券をプレゼントさせていただくこととなりました。
・当日会場受付にて、「氏名」と「大分県内の高校・大学に在学していること」を証明できるもの (学生証など) をご提示いただきます。
・未成年 (18歳未満) の方は必ず保護者の同意を得てご応募ください。
Art Fair Beppu 2023 will take place in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, from the 23rd to the 25th of September. This is an exciting new art fair giving up-and-coming artists from within and outside the prefecture a chance to gather, exhibit and sell their work.
Art enriches our minds. Through perspectives unbound by convention, art continues to question contemporary society from a number of angles, freeing us to think and see things differently. It is our hope that the younger generation in Oita Prefecture will take this opportunity to encounter a diverse range of artworks and artists.
Thanks to generous donations from supportive individuals, we are delighted to offer free tickets to the first 100 students attending a high school or university in Oita Prefecture.
Tickets will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis. We look forward to receiving your registration!
・Requirements: you must be a student at a high school or university in Oita Prefecture
・Free tickets for the first 100 applicants only. Registration will close as soon as capacity is reached
・On the day, you will be required to show your name and proof that you are a student at a high school or university in Oita Prefecture (e.g. student ID card) at the reception desk
・Under 18s must obtain permission from a parent or guardian prior to registering
・Please apply via the registration form
混浴温泉世界実行委員会 事務局
Art Fair Beppu 2023 担当
営業時間:平日 9:00-18:00